Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My First Italian Couple

Wedding of Mark and Vittoria
St. Monica’s Church, Moonee Ponds
January 29, 2006

Buon giorno a tutti, sia lodato Gesu Cristo. Benvenuti a tutti in questo giorno speciale nel quale celebriamo il matrimonio di Vicky e Mark. E per me un unore essere qui con voi. Grazie per la vostra presenza.

When I was working at the parish in Deer Park, I had a privilege to visit elderly Italian parishioners in their homes. I really enjoyed visiting them not only because Italians were very religious people but I was always entertained each time I saw wedding photos displayed inside their house. Looking at their black and white wedding photos probably taken back home in Italy before they migrated to Australia reminded me that every married couple has their own story to tell about marriage —stories of ups and downs, joys and loneliness, success and failures.

Today, Mark and Vittoria will begin their journey of life as married couple. I mentioned to Mark and Vittoria last Thursday that they would end today their old relationship, simply because today they are going to publicly declare before God and all of us here their love to each other. Above of all, because today God will bless as “husband” and “wife” to one another.

In the first reading, Daniel read a story from the book of Genesis telling that man and woman were created by God to be together: “The reason someone leaves parents and takes a partner is so the two of them can become one.” This passage helps us reflect the purpose of being human. We are created by God to enjoy not just the thrill of love, but also the importance of love. Love pulls us out of our selfishness. Love enables us to share to other people the love we receive from God. And this is what is happening between Vicky and Mark today as they stand before God and all of us here in this beautiful church.

As Mark and Vittoria receive the Sacrament of Marriage, they are giving their entire selves freely to each other, not just as friends or partners, but above all as “husband” and “wife”, not only today, but for the rest of their lives.

However, my dear friends, human love is not perfect. Human as we are, we commit mistakes; sometimes we hurt each others feelings; and sometimes we end up with broken relationships. Humanly speaking marriage vow is not only difficult but also impossible to fulfill.

The reason why Mark and Vittoria is getting married in the Church is because they want God to be part of their lives. They both recognize that human love is not enough to keep them together. The Psalm read to us by Michelle, speaks about the desire Mark and Vittoria for God’s help and protection, as it says: “May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you.”

The second reading talks about St. Paul’s advice to the Christian communities in Rome on how they should live in the way that pleases God. Maranda read to us very clearly the words of St. Paul: “Love each other as much as brothers and sisters should, and have a profound respect for each other.” In this passage, St. Paul was urging the early Christian community to be patient in suffering, to keep on praying, to be humble and to live in harmony with one another.

Even though this passage is intended for the church community in Rome, Italy, nearly two-thousand years ago, these same words of St. Paul are addressed to Mark and Vittoria today here in Moonee Ponds. As husband and wife, Mark and Vittoria, you are called to be skilled at conflict resolution and comfortable with your differences, in order to achieve your dreams in building a happy family (together with your unborn baby).

The Gospel reading chosen by Mark and Vittoria for their wedding is about Jesus’ strong position about the permanence of marriage: “What God has united, let no one separate.” Mark and Vittoria wish to emphasise to us all here today the seriousness of their commitment. They have gone through a lot of difficult trials in their relationship but these only strengthened their love to one another.

Mark and Vittoria, we are united with you in prayer that may you both fulfill and live up the will of God in marriage: “What God has united, let no one separate.” Always remember that your love to one another reflects to us and to the rest of the world what God is like. Help us to understand the truth of the permanence of marriage. And when your unborn baby finally comes out, teach us to reflect upon the goodness of God, the giver of life.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Then, Mark and Vicky, we promise you in the Name of Christ, that you will be able to love one another all the days of your life! Amen.

E bello essere qui con voi e congli sposi. Caro amici preghiamo per questi sposi affinche questo santo matrimonio possa superare tutte le difficolta della vita. Noi benediciamo il signore e gli sposi con tutto il nostro cuore.

Sa mambabasa: 'wag tutularan ang grammar ko!

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