Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008

Mary Mother of God
January 1, 2008

Today as we begin another new year, we, like many, may be reflecting on what this past year has brought. It is a time to consider what may be coming in the future and for many it is a time to resolve to be different.

Knowing where to begin or end can be a little problematic sometimes, and so our Mother Church shows us the way.

We begin the New Year focusing on the love of God who became Man through the love and devotion of the obedient and humble virgin. All begins with love, all proceeds with love and all will end with love.

The Blessed Virgin Mary receives the Word of God into her person in a way that is unique among the human race, for she is given the great honor of being the mother of our Lord Jesus, true God and true man. As she holds the child Jesus in her arms, she treasures the tremendous gift of the Word of God and continually ponders over its mystery. In so doing, she is a model for all who listen attentively to the Word of God, especially through the reading of the Holy Bible.

It was during the Council of Ephesus (430) when the Church officially affirmed the title of Mary as “the Mother of God.” When the Church formally decrees Mary’s Divine Maternity,[1] she not only uplifts Mary’s dignity as the Mother of God, but also preserves the fundamental truth that Jesus is both human and divine. So, Mary did not only give birth to a man Jesus, but she gave birth to the Second Person of the Trinity, hailed as the Christ, known as Jesus of Nazareth.

Intimately connected with Mary’s divine motherhood is the truth that she also becomes the mother of humanity as well. Mary is the New Eve restoring the broken dignity of the human race caused by Eve’s disobedience.[2] So whenever we reflect and call upon Mary as Mother of Jesus, and our mother as well, we recognize the gift of salvation we received from the mystery of the coming of the Son of God into the world.

Last night I joined thousand of new year's eve revellers who poured into the city for last night's fireworks display and family entertainment. Searing temperatures did not deter even some families with little kids not to enjoy this long-standing tradition of welcoming New Year along with massive crowds.

As I looked up the sky with sensational fireworks rocketing up and exploding with bright colored glittering showers I imagined them as God showering us from heaven His gracious blessing for year 2008 -- BLESSING that you and I desperately need in every single day and all throughout the year 2008. Today's readings allow us to heed for God's blessing. The first reading from the book of Numbers is a prayer of blessing:

The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly andgive you peace!

Many people are reflecting today what a New Year's resolution. Often people resolve to get slim and fit, promise to avoid chocolate, try to be on time, quit smoking, and so on and on.

This year 2008 will give us many opportunities to live God’s Good News with Mary as our inspiration. Perhaps its a good idea to make a new year's resolution that is something spiritual. Why not praying the rosary each day be our New Year's resolution? Whenever we pray the rosary, the Blessed Virgin Mary brings us closer to her Son, Jesus. Also, what better New Year’s resolution could we make than to adopt Mary’s stance before the Word-made-flesh: making her contemplative gaze our own and keeping the incarnate God constantly before our mind and heart.

Today the Church also celebrate World Day of Peace. Pope Benedict XVI delivers a beautiful message of peace for the whole humanity particularly for every family.

Dear friends, as we journey together the year 2008, may our heart be daily inspired, challenged, consoled, and uplifted. Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, may we all be drawn closer to the living presence of her Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Happy New Year To All! :)

Sources:www.bible.claret.org/, www.daily-meditations.org/

[1] The Council of Ephesus (430) affirms the validity of the divine truth that “Mary is the Mother of God.” Mary is predestined to be the Theotokos. It is a Greek term which expresses the title of Mary as the Mother of God or a God bearer. [2] Cf. LG 56.

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