Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Gentle Woman

Recently I mentioned about this young Filipina, a newcomer in Australia, whom I said is an impresive writer, and apparently her father is Jim Paredes, who is a famous Filipino song writer/singer/composer. Today I read a touching story her father wrote: "Love and service, beyond the call of duty." Jim hails a simple yet noble woman he calls Inay.

I remember Inay — yes, that’s what we called her. According to family lore, she was only 14, an Ilocana from Abra, when she came to work for us early in the 1940s, long before I was born. Inay is an indelible fixture of my childhood and teenage life and of our family’s history. She was maid, cook, yaya — an all-around person in our home who did whatever needed to be done.

Read the whole tribute

Yaya is my own version of Jim's Inay. She is part of my three sisters' and my own childhood memories. Ok ba mga kapatid?

Yaya ko 'to.

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