Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My First Italian Couple

Wedding of Mark and Vittoria
St. Monica’s Church, Moonee Ponds
January 29, 2006

Buon giorno a tutti, sia lodato Gesu Cristo. Benvenuti a tutti in questo giorno speciale nel quale celebriamo il matrimonio di Vicky e Mark. E per me un unore essere qui con voi. Grazie per la vostra presenza.

When I was working at the parish in Deer Park, I had a privilege to visit elderly Italian parishioners in their homes. I really enjoyed visiting them not only because Italians were very religious people but I was always entertained each time I saw wedding photos displayed inside their house. Looking at their black and white wedding photos probably taken back home in Italy before they migrated to Australia reminded me that every married couple has their own story to tell about marriage —stories of ups and downs, joys and loneliness, success and failures.

Today, Mark and Vittoria will begin their journey of life as married couple. I mentioned to Mark and Vittoria last Thursday that they would end today their old relationship, simply because today they are going to publicly declare before God and all of us here their love to each other. Above of all, because today God will bless as “husband” and “wife” to one another.

In the first reading, Daniel read a story from the book of Genesis telling that man and woman were created by God to be together: “The reason someone leaves parents and takes a partner is so the two of them can become one.” This passage helps us reflect the purpose of being human. We are created by God to enjoy not just the thrill of love, but also the importance of love. Love pulls us out of our selfishness. Love enables us to share to other people the love we receive from God. And this is what is happening between Vicky and Mark today as they stand before God and all of us here in this beautiful church.

As Mark and Vittoria receive the Sacrament of Marriage, they are giving their entire selves freely to each other, not just as friends or partners, but above all as “husband” and “wife”, not only today, but for the rest of their lives.

However, my dear friends, human love is not perfect. Human as we are, we commit mistakes; sometimes we hurt each others feelings; and sometimes we end up with broken relationships. Humanly speaking marriage vow is not only difficult but also impossible to fulfill.

The reason why Mark and Vittoria is getting married in the Church is because they want God to be part of their lives. They both recognize that human love is not enough to keep them together. The Psalm read to us by Michelle, speaks about the desire Mark and Vittoria for God’s help and protection, as it says: “May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you.”

The second reading talks about St. Paul’s advice to the Christian communities in Rome on how they should live in the way that pleases God. Maranda read to us very clearly the words of St. Paul: “Love each other as much as brothers and sisters should, and have a profound respect for each other.” In this passage, St. Paul was urging the early Christian community to be patient in suffering, to keep on praying, to be humble and to live in harmony with one another.

Even though this passage is intended for the church community in Rome, Italy, nearly two-thousand years ago, these same words of St. Paul are addressed to Mark and Vittoria today here in Moonee Ponds. As husband and wife, Mark and Vittoria, you are called to be skilled at conflict resolution and comfortable with your differences, in order to achieve your dreams in building a happy family (together with your unborn baby).

The Gospel reading chosen by Mark and Vittoria for their wedding is about Jesus’ strong position about the permanence of marriage: “What God has united, let no one separate.” Mark and Vittoria wish to emphasise to us all here today the seriousness of their commitment. They have gone through a lot of difficult trials in their relationship but these only strengthened their love to one another.

Mark and Vittoria, we are united with you in prayer that may you both fulfill and live up the will of God in marriage: “What God has united, let no one separate.” Always remember that your love to one another reflects to us and to the rest of the world what God is like. Help us to understand the truth of the permanence of marriage. And when your unborn baby finally comes out, teach us to reflect upon the goodness of God, the giver of life.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Then, Mark and Vicky, we promise you in the Name of Christ, that you will be able to love one another all the days of your life! Amen.

E bello essere qui con voi e congli sposi. Caro amici preghiamo per questi sposi affinche questo santo matrimonio possa superare tutte le difficolta della vita. Noi benediciamo il signore e gli sposi con tutto il nostro cuore.

Sa mambabasa: 'wag tutularan ang grammar ko!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Paalam Ka Ernie

Hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa ako makapaniwala sa pagkamatay ni Ernie Baron. Laging nakikinig ang Ama ko sa programa niyang Knowledge Power sa DZMM nung elementary pa yata ako. Dito natutunan ng Ama ko ang healing power ng bawang at dahil dito nagsimulang mag-amoy adobo ang bahay namin. Kay Ka Ernie ko natutunan ang heling wonder ng medicinal plants tulad ng kakawate, luya, oregano, banaba, sambong, at pati yata marijuana. Sa kanya ko unang narinig ang pinakamahabang pangalan ng tao, mga imbentor, scientists at kung anu-ano pa.

Minsan kong sinubukan ang tonic water ni Ka Ernie mula sa Pyramid at patagong nagsuot ng Pyramid hat niya nung periodical exams namin nung highschool. Tatalas daw ang memorya kapag uminom nito at pagsuot ng pyramid hat habang nag-rereview. Para mas epektib kumain din ako ng mani. Sayang nga lang nakalimutan ko agad kung naipasa ko ang exams ko na yun. Siguro selective ang memory ko.

Dati lagi pa akong tinatawag ng Ama ko kapag si Ka Ernie na sa TV Patrol. Natataon naman lagi na nagpapakain ako ng aso kaya tatakbo ako ng matulin para maabutan siya upang madadagan naman ang aking kaalaman. (Buti di ako sinabihang 'adik' ng aso).

Nakakalungkot isipin na wala na si Ka Ernie. Naging parte din siya ng "childhood" ko. Nakakamiss ang regular niyang imbitasyong umattend sa kanyang seminar sa Camias tungkol sa cleansing diet o gamit ng pito-pito.

God bless your soul Ka Ernie!

My First Filipino Wedding

Wedding of Jacqueline and Sherwin
St. Mary of the Angels Basilica, Geelong
January 22, 2006

My dear friends, in behalf of Sherwin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Petronio and Silangan Pascual, who came from the Philippines to attend this ceremony, and of Jacqueline’s mother Noriet and step-dad Steve, I would like to welcome you once again to the marriage of Sherwin and Jacqueline.

Sherwin and Jacqueline, the day has now arrived, the day that both of you have been looking forward to and planned for a long time is being fulfilled today in this beautiful basilica. Many of your friends and loved ones are here today to witness and pray with you as you receive the Sacrament of Marriage. Although your family, relatives and friends back home in Norzagaray and Manila can’t be here today, I am sure they are praying and thinking about you at this very moment.

Sherwin and Jacqueline, you have come here today, first of all, because you love each other, both of you have assured me that you wanted to offer yourself freely to each other because of love. As you stand before the altar, you may recall the day you first met in December 2001. And as you stand next to each other, I invite you also to remember how your friendship at pinagsamahan started to grow deeper into love despite a long-distance relationship. You have experienced how difficult it was when the one you love is physically far away from you. Now that you are together, and today, as Jesus says in the Gospel, “(You) are no longer two, but one body” it is our hope that you will continue to nourish and deepen the love you received from God. Make it grow stronger, faithful and fruitful, so that your love becomes an image of Christ’s love to us all humans as it should always be.

Sherwin and Jacqueline, you have come here today to get married in the Church, above all because you want God to be part of your relationship. Christian marriage, my dear friends, is a sacrament; it is not just a social event or dance party we attend at weekends. Marriage as a sacrament means God blesses Sherwin and Jacqueline, as husband and wife, that’s why they are getting married before His altar, rather than in the park or their favorite spot at Geelong beach.

The Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church is permanent, lasting, and forever. The Church is faithful to the words of Christ: “what God has united, no one must divide.” This is the reason why there is no such thing as divorce in the Church. Once you are married it binds you forever until death. The vows you make today are, humanly speaking, not only difficult but impossible to fulfill. So, today, we ask God’s help and protection, as the first reading speaks in your behalf: “may (Yahweh) bring you to old age together.”

Your second reading, St. Paul’s Letter to the Church of Corinth is one of most eloquent descriptions of love that has ever written. St. Paul was speaking in his letter about the gift of love: “Love is patient, and kind, it is not jealous, it is not rude…love does not come to an end.” Sherwin, “love is patient and kind” but Jacqueline can be impatient and can be unkind, or minsan sumpungin. Jacqueline, of course “love is not jealous” but one day Sherwin may get jealous. Yes, “love is not rude” but lovers can be rude without realizing it. And, “love never ends” but since St. Paul have written those words countless lovers have fallen out of love.

How can you avoid those human failings? I’m sure as this day has drawn near, the two of you have received a lot of advice specially from your parents, and certainly before the day is over you will receive a lot more.

What advice I can give you, Sherwin and Jacqueline, is to make God number one in your lives. Make Jesus Christ ALWAYS your first love, because he alone can satisfy our longing, and him alone is the source of true love. Jesus says in the Gospel you have chosen, that when one gets married, he or she “must leave father and mother.” It’s is not always easy to leave ones “father and mother” or “one’s family” and “one’s country” for the sake of love. It’s not easy to start a new beginning, but remember that God is also making a vow before you today. He promises to protect you, and help preserve you marriage and keep your love burning. But this is possible if you make God your first love. Amen.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Paano ba mag-lagay ng links sa blogs ko?

Gusto ko sana i-add ang mga sumusunod:


Ang makasagot ay pag-kakalooban ng surprise gift na kahit ako ay di ko pa alam kung ano.

My First Funeral Homily

Funeral Mass for Vicente Cerdana
St. Andrew’s Parish, Werribee
January 14, 2005
Wisdom 3:1-9 2nd Reading: Romans 6:3-9; John 14:1-6

It’s a pity that I didn’t have a chance to get to know such a wonderful person such as Lolo Vicente. But I’m glad that I had an oppurtunity to hear stories about him when I had lunch at Tita Frances’ house last Monday. After hearing some anecdotes and memories about Lolo Vicente from Lola Aurelia, Tita Cora and Tita Frances, I realized how such a wonderful person he really was. When I saw the pictures of Lolo Vicente from his Golden Wedding Anniversary with Lola Aurelia in 1996, he reminded me of my own Lolo, who like him, had dedicated his whole life to his wife and his family.

Each of us here today has our own memories of our parents and grandparents. I remember Tita Frances was telling me that her father was an active and vibrant person; he was full of energy and he had a good memory; he was such a prayerful person that he even included President GMA in his daily prayers. He used to pray three decades of the Rosary with Lola Aurelia everyday, which again reminds me of my own Lolo and Lola.

Lolo Vicente had a very strong Christian faith, and obviously, he shared his faith to his children and grandchildren. The faith of Lolo Vicente in Jesus Christ is our faith as well, and this is what that brings us all here today in the Eucharist. Although Lolo Vicente’s death brings sadness and grief most especially to his wife, children and grandchildren, his loved ones here in Australia and in the Philippines, our Christian faith tells us that despite death life is not absurd and meaningless.

Death is a human reality we face everyday. Whether we like it or not, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, our own death is inevitable. But death is not the end of everything. Our Christian faith reminds us that the death of Lolo Vicente is but a continuation of his life with our Risen Lord. The reading from the Book of Wisdom echoes our hopes and confidence in this reality, as it says: “the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment will ever touch them.”

In the second reading St. Paul talks about the mystery of our faith through our baptism. Like all of us Christians, Lolo Vicente began his life’s journey with Jesus on the day he was baptized. When our parents decided to have us baptized in the Catholic Church, we were no longer mere human beings but we became sons and daughters of God. St. Paul tells that when we were baptized we have been buried with Christ and shared his own death, “so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” This is our hope and prayers for Lolo Vicente today, together with all our departed loved ones and those who have died recently.

The Gospel chosen by Lolo Vicente’s family for his funeral Mass today is about the dialogue of Jesus with his disciples after his Last Supper. We heard in the Gospel one of the most comforting words of Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me…” Let us allow the words of Christ to enter into the depths of our hearts and let sink it deeply into our souls: “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”

Sometimes, we become like Thomas who was confused, wondering and don’t know what future holds; like him we try to make sense of everything and ask: “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Likewise, when the sting of death struck our family, we ask, “Lord, we don’t know where our departed loved ones are going?” Then again, our Christian faith tells us that death is not the end. The glorious Resurrection of Christ reminds us that death is not something to be afraid of. He assures us that he is “the way the truth and the life.”

So Lolo Vicente’s death is not the end. Although our hearts are full of sadness, but at the same of joyful hope and profound gratitude knowing that his life is changed, not ended. We can still be close to him and he is close to us still.

I’d like to borrow the words of Pope Benedict in his homily at the funeral Mass of Pope John Paul II: “We entrust your dear soul, Lolo Vicente, to the Mother of God, your Mother, who guided you each day and who will guide you now to the eternal glory of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Friday, January 06, 2006


Di ko alam kung ano ang title ng entry ko ngayon kaya "Untitled" ang nilagay ko. Baka di kasi maintindihan ng mambabasa, dumarami na kasi ang adik ngayon.

Sa loob ng labing-isang taong lumipas pag-kagraduate ko ng highschool ay narealize ko na sa loob ng labing-isang taon pagka-graduate ko ng highschool (Inulit ko lang para sa mga adik.). Sa loob ng...

...lagi ko na lang kinu-compare ang pang-araw-araw ng karanasaan ko sa buhay ngayon sa buhay ko nuong highschool. Lagi na lang ang high-school life ko ang batayan ko ng pagbabago o hindi pagbabago ng aking buhay.


a. Marami kong damit na nuong highschool na minana ko lang sa kapatid o kung sinong nagbigay (eg. t-shirt, pantalon, sapatos, uniform). Ganito pa rin hanggang ngayon.

b. Nuong highschool takot ako sa mga crush ko lalo yung magaganda ngayon mature na ako, di na uso ang crush-crush...(humahaba ang ilong ko).

c. Nuong highschool maliit lang ang mundo ko. Ngayon madami ng nakakakilala sa akin kaya lalong lumiliit ang mundo ko.

d. Nuong highschool takot akong ma-epiphanise (look for the word "epiphany") ng damdamin ko sa mga crushes ko. Kaya hanga ako nuon sa mga kakilala ko nuong hs na di torpedo o yung malalakas ang loob. Pero hindi ako hanga sa mga taong "courageous" sa maling pagkakataon. Halimbawa ay hindi ako hanga sa taong sumulat nito sa akin:

Hi John, how's it going? Thanks for getting back to me. How is your week going so far? It's Wednesday and we're half way there. Can't wait for the week, it's been a long week so far. I really need to start having some fun around here. To do that I need to meet some fun people to hang out with. As I think I mentioned before, I just moved here from the U.S. a few weeks ago. Lived in St. Louis, Missouri my whole life until now. I just wanted a fresh, new start somewhere and my job gave me this opportunity. Of course it may not be permanent but I love it so far. It is a different world out here, so i'm still kind of adjusting and finding my way around. Not to mention I don't know anyone around here. I definitely want to meet up with you soon if you're down! According to the site I live close by so we could really meet whenever you want. Maybe you could show me around a bit? Hit some bars, do some dancing, see a good show. I'm up for anything! You tell me. I'm sure there is plenty to do around here. You can be my tour guide. Don't worry, i'll repay you for your time ; ). I know it might be kinda of weird since we don't know each other but let's take a chance...why not? I promise I won't bite : ), unless you want me too, haha. How 'bout it? Are you interested?

(Pangalawang sulat na niya yan at di ko na siya sinagot baka kasi maniwala akong totoong tao ang sumulat nito sa akin.)

e) Nuong highschool walang sumusulat sa aking ng Ingles o nagpe-plert (hehe) tulad niyan.

f) Nuong highschool sipunin ako. Ngayon walang pinagbago.

g). Nuong highschool lagi kong iniimagine ang itsura ko pag-above 20's na ang edad ko. Ngayon lagi kong ini-imagine ang itsura ko nuong highschool.

h.) Nuong highschool mabilis akong maubusan ng halimbawa kapag nagpapaliwanag. Hanggang ngayon.


Taon taon, tuwing magpapalit ang taon, pagkatapos ng putukan, tumitingala ako sa langit at pinagmamasdan ang mga bituin. Lagi kong tinatanong sa isip ko kung ano ang magaganap sa taon na ito...sino ang mamatay, ano ang magagandang mangyayari, atbp. Ngayong taon na ito di ako nakatingala sa langit, di ko napagmasdan ang mga bituin. Pero tuloy pa rin ang pagkumpara ng nuon at ngayon.


Salamat sa Diyos sa biyaya ng buhay.

My Homilies from Advent Season*

*I lost my advent homilies somewhere. Wait till I find them. (para namang my regular readers ako..hehe)

Epiphany of our Lord

Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord
Isa 60:1-6; Ps 71:1-2.7-8 10-13; Eph 3:2-3.5-6; Mt 2:1-12
Holy Child Parish, Meadow Heights
January 7-8, 2006

Once there was a priest who celebrated his 25th anniversary and was receiving gifts from the parishioners. A florist’s daughter gave him a box. The priest shook it and said to the girl, “Are they flowers?” The girl was surprised, “How did you know, Father?” The priest knew the profession of the girl’s parents, so he could guess easily.

Then another boy came with a box, the priest shook it and said, “Is it a pair of shoes?” The boy asked, “How did you know!” The priest knew because the boy’s parent had a shoe store.

Then little Johnny, the son a bottle shop owner, came forward and the priest saw the box. It was leaking.

“Ah I know what it is,” the priest said to himself. He put his finger on the wet part and tested the liquid. “Is it wine?” he said.

Johnny shook his head, “No.” Then the priest scraped the leaking box again with his finger, tasted it, saying, “Brandy?” Johnny replied “No, Father!”

“Is it perhaps Mass wine?”

“No, Father. It’s a puppy!”*

Today is the feast of the Epiphany of our Lord. You may ask what the word “epiphany” means. Epiphany means a manifestation or revelation of something that is hidden. In other words, epiphany means an exposition of something mysterious or concealed, like a Christmas gift. Some of you probably got a new pair of shoes, shirts, play-station games, kitchen wares, etc. at Christmas. We can compare the feast of Epiphany to the moment we opened the gifts we received on Christmas, that’s when we got to know what was inside the wrappings.

Today, the second Sunday of year 2006, we celebrate “the unwrapping” of the gift we received from God on the first Christmas. The gift we received on the first Christmas day was far more than anything else in this world because it’s no other than the birth of our Lord Jesus.

The image of the child Jesus is the epiphany or the revelation of God’s love to us all. God has given us the gift of His Son who will be our light and hope in the world we live today. The manifestation of God’s love links with the first reading: “The nations come to your light and kings to your dawning brightness.”

The celebration of Epiphany in some countries is also known as “Three Kings Sunday.” The manifestation of God began when the Three Kings or Wise Men traveled from the East (Mesopotamia) to Bethlehem in order to pay respect and homage to the newly-born King of the Jews. The Three Kings are also called the Magi; they were astrologers or astronomers who were studying the movement of the stars as a guide to major events. We heard in the Gospel they were attesting to King Herod that the bright star which they were following would guide them to the place where the infant King was to be born.

According to most scholars the three Magi were pagans who did not know the true God of the Jews. Inasmuch as they were intellectual people, they were also very superstitious. For example they believed that the fate of each human being depend on stars. Of course this not so, but God made use of their superstition to show them where to find the baby Jesus. God has chosen and revealed to them that the King he had promised to Jews had now come. What the Gospel of Matthew is trying to point out here is that the three Magi represent the Gentile world or non-believers to be also members of God’s children. Being the first ones to receive the news of the birth of Christ, they signify that the coming of the child Jesus in the world is not only for a particular group of people but for the whole human race. As the second reading tells us, “the pagans now share the same inheritance” of God’s salvation. The birth of Christ is God’s gift of salvation for Gentiles or Jews, and for all people.

According to the tradition the names of the three Wise Men are Melchor, Caspar and Balthasar. The importance of the three Wise Men in our faith as Christians is not only their perseverance to pursue relentlessly the star that led them to the Child Jesus. But more than this, it is their act of homage and respect to the child Jesus that we need to follow. The three Magi expressed their act of worship to the baby Jesus by bringing him special gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Today, the relics of the three Magi, according to tradition are believed to be kept in the Cathedral in Cologne, Germany, where the young people had the chance to visit during the World Youth Day last year. Like the Magi, the young people from different parts to the world together with the Pope, travelled to Germany to pay homage to the Lord. We can make the Magi our models, to follow their example and offer the Child Jesus all that we have and are.

We must always keep in our hearts that Epiphany is a celebration of God’s gift of Himself to us in the Child Jesus. When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, when we feel tired about our problems, when we struggle in the darkness of weakness and sin, let us look at Jesus. Like the bright star that gave hope and courage to the Magi may Jesus be our guide and strength.

Let us invite Jesus, to shine in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, and make us special gifts to one another. And as we gaze upon his image lying quietly in a manger, let us express our confidence and trust in God, knowing that He loves us and is always with us. Amen.
* thanks to Fr. Bel San Luis SVD