Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Destined for Christ

We go on pilgrimage for the Truth, but the Truth is not a set of loftly ideas. Truth is a person.

We go on pilgrimage seeking an encounter with the one who IS the Truth. Only this encounter can give real meaning, a new horizon and a decisive direction to our lives.

Of course there are times on our pilgrimage when we will feel lost, when we feel that the goal has slipped out of sight behind some mountain or lost in some forest.

At such times we remember the story of the two disciples on Easter Day who were walking home to Emmaus (Luke 24:15-35). They had lost sight of the goal and were in despair.

But at their darkest moment, when they felf most lost, Jesus joined them on their journey. They did not know who it was at first - only later did they look back and realise that it was the very one who had called himself "THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE" (John 14:6).

Jesus himself has walked the full human pilgrimage from birth to death, and by his resurrection has broken beyond the horizons of this world into eternity. Now he walks with us as our companion on the journey.

You are destined for a face to face encounter with Christ!

+Archbishop Denis J Hart
Special thanks to Ms Ruthie Vergabera of Southern Christian College of the Philippines, Midsayap, North Cotabato, Philippines.


jemimah said...

hi there!!

c jemimah mazaredo 2, kaw po ba yan kuya joel vergara?

musta na?

mag-email ka nmn
e2 email add ko




John Joel said...

hi jemimah. Nag-email na ako sa iyo. Thanks for your message.
