Friday, June 29, 2007

Good nite

Daily Awareness Examen

Place yourself in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

I first turn to God the Father.
I Thank you Father for my gift of life; “It is good to be alive.”
I Thank you Father for today – another day of life, and…
I ask you Father for Light to see my day as You see it.

Now I turn to God the Son – Jesus
Where today did you walk with me?
For what moment today, am I most Grateful?
Where today did I block your presence?
For what moment today, am I least Grateful?

Now I turn to God the Spirit
Most Holy Spirit be with me for tomorrow,
help me to be open to your guidance.
Glory be to the Father
Glory be to the Son
Glory be to the Spirit
Now and forever.

*from my Spiritual Director

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