Saturday, June 23, 2007

Destined For Truth

On your pilgrimage you will be looking for signposts pointing you to your destination. You will be looking for pathways to the truth.

Today a lot of people are skeptical about truth. They tell you: We all have different truths. One person’s truth is as good as another’s. All roads lead to truth. You can’t know the truth.

There are lies. Listening to them will cause you to lose your way and lose your hope.

Just as every human being shares the same destiny – eternity – so there is one truth in which we place our hope. Our life journey is a pilgrimage toward this Truth.

When you set out on a journey, a map will show the way to your destination. Along you way, you make decisions. What exact route shall I take? When and where will I stop for a rest? Will I take a detour for a sight-seeing trip?

Clearly it is possible to make decisions that lead away from your destination rather than toward it.
It is the same in the pilgrimage of life. You have significant decisions to make. You are free and intelligent. Your journey to your ultimate destiny will be marked by your free and intelligent choices.

On your pilgrimage you will be guided by your destination. Seeking the Truth, you will seek and follow signposts to Truth. The signposts are there if you look for them, but strength of heart and will are required to make the right decisions at every junction.

You are destined for truth.
+Most Rev Denis J. Hart DD
Archbishop of Melbourne
*Photos taken in Sydney with Cune

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