Friday, September 29, 2006

Multicutural Event

On a bright, sunny morning on Saturday, 16 September, hundreds of people made a pilgrimage to St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate the ordination to the priesthood of four men: Eugene Ashkar, John Joel Vergara, Thinh Xuan Nguyen and Justin Ford for the Melbourne Archdiocese. In a sight rarely seen, St Patrick’s was filled to its capacity. The throng of people who gathered in the Cathedral mirrored the diverse composition of our Melbourne Church, with people of all backgrounds coming together to celebrate the occasion.

Aside from the very different cultural backgrounds of the four men, perhaps part of the reason for the cosmopolitan audience present at their ordination can be traced to the positive impact these men have already made on our community: all have previously served in Melbourne parishes as deacons, and all have had pastoral years here. It is fortuitous that their multifaceted ministry continues in our great city.


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