Monday, June 19, 2006


Happy Fathers' day to our fathers.

The following article is written by Patricia Evangelista. She talks about the greatness and simplicity of our fathers that we oftentimes take for granted.

MY father has learned how to write and send a text message with one hand. In college, after he told me he’d pass by me on the way home, I sent him a message that I was ready for pickup. He replied, in the space of two seconds.

“Yep-andito na me.”

When I was a kid, I was the classic nerd: hair in pigtails, glasses inches thick, unable to conduct a conversation that didn’t revolve around Archie comics or Nancy Drew. My Dad was my best friend. On the mornings before school, we’d be sitting on the living room table, him with his newspaper and a tiny plastic teacup in his hand, pinkie finger outstretched.

“More tea?” I’d ask politely.

He would nod, and I would pour him a cup of Kool-Aid grape juice.

read the whole article


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