Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sorrow and Hope

Home Mass at the Vergara's Sunbury
For the eternal repose of the soul of Kuya Ruding
(and all our departed loved ones)
September 22, 2006

Death is a human reality we face everyday. Whether we like it or not, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, our own death is inevitable. But death is not the end of everything. Our Christian faith reminds us that the death of kuya Ruding is but a continuation of his life with our Risen Lord.

We will forever sadly miss our loved ones however we put our trust in God that his death is something meaningful and significant. We trust that death cannot be the end of everything. The words of Christ give us confidence that death is vital for our own salvation too. The words of Christ in Gospel directly call to us and our departed loved ones, “Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.”

It is now time for kuya Ruding to give himself up totally to God. We ourselves will do the same, at a time we do not know. Again the word of Jesus in the Gospel speaks directly to him, “Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.” It is our hope that our Lord may open wide the gate of heaven for kuya Ruding who depended solely upon him like. We pray from the depths of our hearts that the soul of kuya Ruding will now finally receive its peace and rest in heaven, where he will enjoy the fruits of his labour and sacrifice on earth.

Our Christian faith tells us that death is not the end. The glorious Resurrection of Christ reminds us that death is not something to be afraid of. He assures us that he is “the way the truth and the life.”

The death of our loved ones is not the end. Although our hearts are full of sadness, but at the same of joyful hope and profound gratitude knowing that his life is changed, not ended. We can still be close to them and they can be close to us still. It is only through the death and resurrection of Jesus that we can come to believe that out of death comes life, darkness turns to light and self-surrender leads to an everlasting life.

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