Sunday, November 20, 2005

My First Wedding Homily

Readings: 1 Cor 13:4-7,13 Ps 34,2-3.4-5.6-7.8-9; Mk 10: 6-9

Mystery of Love

Last Wednesday, we came here to this church to have a rehearsal. Unfortunately, we couldn’t have a rehearsal that night because the Church was double-booked. There was a funeral rosary at that time. I think no one would dare to have a wedding rehearsal with a coffin inside the church. Anyway, I was really glad that evening because I had a chance to have a brief interview with Matthew and Holly.

I learnt that they’ve known each other for more than twelve years now. I asked them, “When you first met each other did you fall in love straight away?” They both answered “no”. I thought they would say “yes”.

You know, it really struck me as I drove back home to Carlton, I started to wonder “how love develops between two people?” If Matthew and Holly didn’t feel anything on their first meeting, I wondered what made their love grow deeper. With so many people around why did they choose each other? Why they love each other? Why are they getting married today? Isn’t it a big decision to make a lifetime commitment?

But when I looked at the wedding booklet yesterday I found the answer. There is a quotation from Elizabeth Browning, it says, “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.”

I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you….

For me these words speak of confidence, contentment, happiness, peace and love. I’m sure this is what Holly and Matthew have found from each other. They both found confidence, contentment, happiness, peace; they found love towards each other. So that today, in this church, they choose freely to publicly declare their love and fidelity firstly before God and second to their loved ones and friends.

Christian marriage

It’s a privilege for all of us here today to witness a significant moment of their lives, as they receive the Sacrament of Christian Marriage. We have here a lovely Christian couple, Holly and Matthew, who will pledge themselves before God as husband and wife, who will live the rest of their lives as one. As Jesus says, the two shall become one flesh.

Christian marriage is special because couples recognise the important role of God in their relationship. Holly and Matthew are both aware that human love isn’t enough if they don’t reserve a place for God in their lives, God who is the source of love.

Matthew and Holly’s faith in Jesus Christ will be manifested before us as they promise each other their love and fidelity in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. By these words, they fulfill the words of Jesus in the Gospel, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.

So, I invite you my dear friends to join Matthew and Holly, in being aware of the presence of God today in this sacred ceremony, in this beautiful church. The beautiful music and flowers, the presence of our bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen, best man, and our cute flower girl, Olivia; they all make us aware not only of the solemnity of Christian marriage, but also the goodness of God’s creation. As we all responded to the Psalm read to us by Annalise: The earth is full of goodness of the Lord.
Christian Love

Sarah read the famous passage about love from First Corinthians. St. Paul was saying to the early Christian community that the most fundamental part of being a Christian is love. His description of love is patient and kind, never jealous, never boastful, not self-seeking. No doubt many couples see this passage as a description of the love they have for each other, but Paul is encouraging them to have this love for everyone.

This passage is very appropriate for Matthew and Holly who love each other, to love each other’s families, to love their co-workers at the Police Force and at the Alfred Hospital, and to love the people who live in their neighborhood.


Matthew and Holly, all your love comes first from God, who loved you even before you discovered love. My prayer for you today, is that you return that love you both received. Don’t refuse the opportunities to share it. May it benefit you, your family, your friends and your loved ones. Always remember that Love never fails.

**I can't wait for the photos!

Parang kelan lang ringbearer ako sa kasal ngayon ako na ang nagkakasal. Natatandaan ko pa nung pangalawang beses na nag-ringbearer ako nalate kami ng Ina ko sa kasal. Hindi na kami umabot sa simbahan kaya sa reception na lang. Natatandaan ko pa din nung araw na iyon sa loob ng jeep ako pinalitan ng damit pang-abay ng Ina ko. Nilagyan p niya ako ng polbo ang likod ko mainit kasi. Ito'y habang nanunuod sa akin ang mga pasahero.

1 comment:

meganyoung said...

WOW! you're a priest? i thought you were still a seminarian! :)