Thursday, October 06, 2005

Love Letter

I composed this entry last 19 August as my written response to one of the seven questions which my Archbishop would ask me on my ordination to the diaconate this coming Saturday.

Strangely enough, after I finished writing my “intention to commitment to celibacy” I remembered the love letters I wrote in high-school and college, when I opened my heart and vulnerability to the object of my love. This is what Christ did when he died and suffered on the Cross in Cavalry 2,000 years ago.

“In the presence of God and the Church, are you resolved, as a sign of your interior dedication to Christ, to remain celibate for the sake of the kingdom and in lifelong service to God and mankind?”

I promise with sincere faith in the presence of God and the Church, that I am resolved to embrace faithfully a lifelong commitment to celibacy. As I publicly take this oath to remain celibate for the rest of my life, I express with full sincerity my interior dedication and personal response to the love of Jesus Christ.

I promise to observe the law of celibacy from the very day of my ordination until the end of my life and I am resolved to faithfully live a lifelong celibacy not only as an expression of my personal commitment to follow Christ, but also as an outward sign of my humble resignation for his service, and deepest desire to make myself available for his people. In particular, I ought to offer myself to God with undivided heart and self-less love and I am willing to serve his Church to the best of my ability for the rest of my life.

I earnestly believe that celibacy is an invitation and a beautiful gift from God. To remain celibate for the sake of the kingdom and in lifelong service to God and humankind is a wonderful opportunity to dwell deeply in the mystery of God’s love. With great joy and thankful heart, I therefore feel privileged to accept wholeheartedly the gift of celibacy which God offers me in this ministry. I am prepared to act in accordance with this lifestyle and more importantly I am resolved to continually enter into a deeper personal relationship with Christ.

As I promise to observe the law of celibacy throughout all my life, I am also aware that celibate life is a very challenging way of life; there will be emptiness, temptation and difficulty that I will encounter in the future. With this in mind, I completely entrust myself to the grace of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that I may always remain steadfast in prayer life and faithful in my commitment to celibacy both in deed and word.

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