Thursday, December 25, 2008

Good News

Christmas Midnight Mass 2008 Homily
Is 9:1-7; Ps 96:1-9-3, 11-13; Tit 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14
December 24, 2008

Good News

One evening a father came home from a tough day at work. His wife opened the door with a big smile and kissed him, “You looked so tired?” Husband said, “You’re right I am very tired and I’ve had a really bad day. So, please, if you have a bad news tonight keep it to yourself.”

To which she replied, “Okay, I promise no bad news hon; only good news.”

So, what’s the good news then dear?

“Remember we have four children?” she said.

“What’s the good news about our four children? he said.

“Well, the good news is three of them didn’t break an arm today.

Good news
Good news. We all want to hear good news. We are all sick of bad news we hear and read everyday. We are all sick hearing the same old news about violence, terrorist attacks, murder, rape, and so on. We are all upset and terrified hearing sad news about the rising death toll in our country due to road accidents. Our hearts break every time we hear the news about people committing suicide, broken marriages, killings of unborn babies, etc.

We all feel betrayed hearing news about scandals committed by our government and community leaders, and sadly even our leaders in the church.

We are all scared about the worsening effect of global warming to our environment.

I think we have enough bad news. Nowadays, people are desperate to hear only good new

We want real good news. Based from our own experience it’s always beautiful to hear only good news. Good news is always beautiful news.

Good News in human experience
For instance, what a comfort for a mother to hear the doctor saying her first born child is healthy. That’s good news.

What a relief for someone to hear that a friend survived a serious car accident. That’s good news.

What a great delight for the VCE students this year seeing their names amongst the top-passers list.

What a great news for a parishioner to hear she won the brand new car from our parish fair draw.

Remember the first time you received an award in primary school? It’s was good news not only to you but most of all to your proud mum and dad.

Remember when your boyfriend proposed to you after long years of waiting? That’s good news.

And what a great joy for a newly ordained priest, 2 years ago, that he would be assigned to a lovely parish of St Andrew’s, Werribee?

We always want to hear good news. For this reason we always celebrate after hearing a good news.

Mother of all Good News
Tonight we are gathered here in this church celebrating along with millions of our brothers and sisters in faith around the world the Good News, the Good News of all Good News, the Mother of all Good News, proclaimed by an Angel to humanity 2008 years ago.

“I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.”

Today we celebrate the Good News of our salvation: the Birthday of Jesus!

The Good News that people from of old been waiting for long time has finally come: Jesus Christ the Lord is born.

What is greater news than hearing because of God’s great Love to each of us, through Jesus, He came down to our level, to reach us He embraced the fragility of human life?

What is greater news than to hear God, through Jesus, became all things like us except sin, to comfort our longing, to fill our emptiness, to give us direction and to bring us salvation?

So tonight is the most appropriate time to sing out loud, to announce glad tidings, along with the choir of angels, “A Savior has been born to us, Christ our Lord.”

Through Jesus, God is no longer far from us, He now belongs to all the nations and His bare arm is for all. God is now accessible to us, for God is with-us, here present lying peaceful in peace in a manger.

What a great news to hear that we are not alone. What a good News to hear God is with us.

This what makes Christmas, always a Good News.

Everyone is a Winner
In every Christmas celebration, everyone is a winner!

For Children: Christmas is always about making people happy specially our children. Today they will receive many gifts and toys. For sure they will remember your love to them.

For parents, grandparents, and for every family – Christmas is a family reunion

For the elderly, the lonely, and the orphans – Christmas is the time when people from different group or church denomination visit and entertain them. People go to nursing homes to sing Christmas carols.

For us Priests – Christmas is a always great time not only because we receive gifts from parishioners but also it’s a good consolation for us priests, (special for a parish priest), to see our church so filled with so many worshipers on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Suddenly our church attendance is tripled in number!

For Business people - Christmas is certainly good news for business people. I am sure the manufacturer of Dora the Explorer is celebrating today!

For non-Christians - Christmas is good even for non-Christians because it’s holiday. It’s good for shift-workers, they get paid doubled!

On Christmas day we all receive gifts. No one is left out. Everyone is a winner!

After Christmas?
What then happens after Christmas?

Because today/tonight we heard the Good News, that God became human like us, after Christmas we can be agents of God in this world. Because through Jesus, God revealed his dignity, the peace, and his the majesty in this world, after Christmas we can be His angels in disguise, we can be His messengers, His instruments in our world, to share what we’ve seen.

Because God-is-with-us, not above us, after Christmas we can share God’s life with others.

After Christmas, we can be Shepherds who lead other people to Jesus.
After Christmas, we can be Shining Stars to others who bring joy to the lonely.
After Christmas, we can be Mary and Joseph who value family life.
After Christmas, we can always Santa Claus, generous not only with materials gifts, but generous in understanding and forgiveness.

If only after Christmas, we still carry in our hearts the great joy of the Good News we hear today, then, everyday will be Christmas. Then, every day people will hear only good news. No bad news. What a great headline news it would be.

In this Mass and after this Mass let us celebrate and together with the choirs of angels, let us cried out with great joy the Good of News of salvation, as we say: “Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth.”

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