Friday, December 21, 2007

Simbang Gabi
6th Day
December 21, 2007
Resurrection Parish, St Albans

Role of our mother
The role of mother is seen to have a great importance in our life. Mothers have a unique role that cannot be replaced. The presence of a mother is very significant to the child’s emotional growth, social development and well-being.

One the most important of roles of a mother is providing nourishment, physical food – food, lunch and dinner. I was in the Philippines last October for three weeks. For three weeks I had cooked breakfast every morning!

But other than physical food which a mother provides from her kitchen, the mother is the one who provides us emotional and spiritual nourishment – we first learned from our mother how to love and to be loved, how to care and the experience of being cared of, how to forgive and how to be forgive… All these begin to take shape and grow in the person of the mother.

Role of Mary
It is important to appreciate always the service which our mother has given us. And during this Advent Season, we always reflect on the important role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our life as followers of Jesus.

Advent season always have a Marian perspective because it was Mary who first of all waited, prepared, probably she too was deprived of lack of sleep (like those of you who faithfully attend Simbang Gabi), it was Mary who first of all who longed deeply about the birth of our Savior.

Mary is always our company during our waiting and preparation for Christmas.

Gospel Reading
In the Gospel today we heard of Mary’s eagerness to share the good news she received from God. “Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to see her cousin Elizabeth. Mary rushed in haste and quickly traveled the four day journey to in the hill country of Judah.” When Mary heard that her cousin Elizabeth is pregnant, she was so concern about her, she traveled as quickly as possible to assist her although she’s pregnant herself.

We see, Mary is someone who doesn’t procrastinate. She doesn’t want delay. She do not have a maƱana habit or mamaya na habit. When it comes to God’s call Mary would not think twice not to respond.

She is already to say “yes.” Remember how Mary responded willingly to God’s call to bear the Saviour of the world? She didn’t procrastinate or make any excuses? She consented to the divine plan to be the mother of the Son of God and obeyed God’s will immediately. Although she had questions and worries she had a deep trust in God. Her courage and willingness to faithfully obey God allowed her to received the Son of God, first in her heart and secondly in her womb.

Role of Mary this Advent
Perhaps as we prepare for Christmas, the role of Mary for us, is to help us and inspires, not to hold back and delay the will of God in our lives. The Church considers Mary to be the perfect model of a true follower of Christ because of her openness to the grace of the Holy Spirit.

During this Christmas Season, we should follow Mary's example and pray that God finds favor in us and that we remain obedient to His word.

Let us ask ourselves, what it is that is holding us back to do the will of God. Do we delay our desire to help other people? Do we delay our forgiveness to those who might have hurt our feeling? How many Christmas we have to wait in order to admit our own mistake or reconcile with one of our loved ones or friends?

As we prepare for Christ’s birth, let us look at Mary, her gentleness, her courage and most of all her quick response to obey God’s will. Mary has important role in our Christian life. We can always run to her when we need something from her Son. Let us make her the source of our faith, trust and courage, so that our Saviour Jesus Christ may be born too in our hearts. Now.

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