Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter 2007

Easter Sunday 2007
April 7/8, 2007

Three fellows went to Heaven on the same day and showed up at the pearly gates. St. Peter looked them over and said, "Well, before you can enter the gates you have to answer one simple question, to show you know something about why you're here."

The first man stepped up to the gates, and St. Peter said, "Now, explain to me, what is Easter?" The second guy replied, "Oh, that's easy. That's the holiday in November, when everybody gets together to give thanks, and eats turkey, and..." "Wrong," replied St. Peter, "You'll have to wait." He turned to the second blonde and said, "What is Easter?" The second blonde replied, "I know, Easter is about Jesus. In December, when we put up a nice tree, exchange presents, and celebrate His birthday."

St. Peter shook his head in disgust at the second woman and sighed. He turned to the third blonde and said, "You look a little smarter than the other two... Now, WHAT IS EASTER?"

The third guy smiled and said, "I know what Easter is. Easter is the Christian holiday that takes place in the spring. Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper, and He was deceived and turned over to the Romans by one of his disciples. Then the Romans took Him to be crucified and stabbed Him in the side, made Him wear a crown of thorns, and crucified Him. He died, and was buried in a cave sealed off by a large stone." St. Peter smiled and nodded. The blonde continued, "And every year the stone is moved aside so that Jesus can come out, and play with the Easter Bunnies.”

St. Peter fainted...

(What is the significance of Easter Bunny & Egg?)

The Resurrection of Jesus

The death of Jesus ends up his earthly ministry. However, his glorious Resurrection opens up a new dimension of his identity as both truly human and truly divine. The Resurrection of Jesus is the crowning truth of our Christian faith. The apostles’ faith did not produce the Resurrection rather the Resurrection produced and strengthen their faith. After Resurrection of Christ, his apostles and followers have witnessed a profound revolution of who Jesus truly is.

To hear someone has risen from the dead is something unusual, unthinkable and beyond our human reason. But this is what the early witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection had to proclaim to the community they were living—a radical truth that is to be handed down even to our time today. Our access in knowing the truth about Jesus’ Resurrection is not merely the empty tomb, rather the witnessing of men and women “Easter witnesses” who encountered Christ and gave testimonies about his appearances after his death.

The reality of the resurrection is the central fact of the Christian faith. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord gives us "eyes of faith" to know him and the power of his resurrection. The greatest joy we can have is to encounter the living Lord and to know him personally. Let us celebrate the feast of Easter with joy and thanksgiving for the victory which Jesus has won for you and I, for the whole humanity over sin and death.

Today, marks the end of our old life, the death of our old self, the forgetting and forgiving of our shameful wrongdoings. Today is the beginning of a new life, the resurrection of a new self, the continuity of living our Christ faith, that gives us hope and live, that leads us to a life everlasting, in the Father’s kingdom.

Let us pray that Jesus triumphed over the grave and have won new life for us, our faith may be strengthened to see his glory, we may grow in great love and victory over sin and death.

Christ is truly Risen!

From darkness comes a new light. May our Resurrected Lord shine in our lives and brings hope to each one of us. Alleluia Alleluia.

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