Sunday, January 21, 2007

Peter and Melissa's Wedding

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Sunbury 11:00am,
January 20, 2007
Genesis 1:26-28, 31a, Psalm 32,Ephesians 5:2a, 21-33

The celebration we are having today in this beautiful and historical church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel all started with exchange of text messages two years ago in the Philippines.

Peter and Melissa met each other through my friends, Annette and Aurora, who were Melissa’s former fellow teachers at St. John the Baptist Catholic School in San Juan, Metro Manila. My friends formally introduced Peter to Melissa at Robinson Galleria in Ortigas, where they first met and where they had their first dinner (at Pizza Hut) and their first bonding as friends as they played at the mall’s children’s playground.

Peter and Melissa’s friendship deepened as they get to know each other, and they had to consume more phone cards for text messaging. I can still remember how Peter diligently record Melissa’s every single text messages on his little notebook. Peter’s typical "Vergara sentimentality" was then followed by his frequent visits at Melissa’s school at San Juan…and then, the rest is history.

Speaking of history Peter and Melissa’s wedding today is not only my first wedding this year but also it’s my first wedding as a priest. This is also my first time to officiate a wedding within the Vergara clan (I wonder who will be the next?). I hope the next time we will begin on time![1]

So, starting today, Peter and Mellisa, you will begin your journey of life no longer as text-mates or as yahoo messanger chatmates, but now as new Christian couples in our modern society. As Christian couples you are called to be witnesses of Christ’s unconditional love and care to his Church.

My dear friends, it’s a privilege for all of us here today to witness this significant moment of their lives, as they receive the Sacrament of Christian Marriage. As I said at the beginning that Peter and Melissa will pledge themselves before God as husband and wife, who will live the rest of their lives as one. As Jesus says, the two shall become one flesh.

When I asked Peter what he personally think about marriage, he said, “the main words that come to my mind are love, commitment, honour, trust and respect. It’s an unbreakable bond between two people that is blessed by God and His love.” I asked the same question to Melissa, she said, “marriage unites man and woman in an unbreakable bond of love…It is a giving up oneself completely to one another. They (couple) should really love each other unconditionally. They must accept each other’s strengths and weaknesses.”

And so, we are here today, to support and pray for Peter and Melissa, that the biblical message and their understanding of marriage becomes a reality upon their marriage.

The Gospel reading they have chosen for their wedding is about Jesus’ strong position about the permanence of marriage: “What God has united, let no one separate.” Peter and Melissa wish to emphasise to us all here today the seriousness of their commitment. They both believe, they want to preserve, and they are willing to follow the powerful words of Jesus regarding marriage.

As I explained to you Peter and Melissa, and as we all know, the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church is permanent, lasting, and forever. The Church is faithful to the words of Christ: what God has united, no one must divide. This is the reason why there is no such thing as divorce in the Church. Once you are married it binds you forever until death. The vows you make today are, humanly speaking, not only difficult but impossible to fulfill. So, today, we ask God’s help and protection, for your human love is not enough. We ask the same God, whom we heard from the first reading, the God who created man and woman according to his image and likeness. We pray that his love will bind you together even at times of trials and difficulties.

Another aspect of marriage we heard from the readings is image of leaving one’s father and mother. It doesn’t mean that when you get married you will forget or take for granted your mum and dad, your nanay and tatay. No. Your parents still have important role in your life and will always will. You still need their guidance and support. However, to leave one’s father and mother means, your number one priority, between you and your family, is no longer them, but yourselves as husband and wife.

It’s never easy leaving the comfort of one’s family. It’s is not always easy to leave ones father and mother or one’s family and one’s country for the sake of love. It’s not easy to start a new beginning, but remember that God is also making a vow before you today. He promises to protect you, and help preserve your marriage and keep your love burning. Peter and Melissa, as Christian couple, you are called to nurture your spiritual life by making Christ be the center of your married life. Make Jesus be your first love.

As human beings you will not be able to meet all of each other’s needs, or bring each others’ total happiness and lasting fulfillment. Only God can do these things! Because God never comes into our lives by force, God comes into a marriage only by invitation. Make use of the sacraments of the Church to draw you even closer to Christ and each other. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Then, Peter and Melissa, no one will be able divide of your marriage, and you will be able to love one another, as one flesh and one body all the days of your life!

May you enjoy the lasting fruits of marriage. Amen.

[1] The bride arrived 40 minutes late!!

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