Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wedding no. 4


Resurrection Parish, St. Albans

May 21, 2006

Mayap agatpanapun pu keko ngan.
Masaya ku ngening aldong ayni at parte ku king selebrasyon ning sakramentu ning kasal ng Mark at Rachel.


Well, Mark and Rachel, this is it, wala ng atrasan to the day of your marriage has now finally arrived.

Looking at you now, I can see in your eyes joy and excitement; I can see how grateful both of you are today with all the support you’ve been receiving from your families, friends and loved ones. Looking at you now, Rachel and Mark, I can see two brave young adults who have come before us today in this church.

My dear friends, I said Mark and Rachel are brave simply because they want to get married. Marriage is not that simple. Those of you, who are married can tell us why married life not simple. You know better than us the different challenges of marriage, of building a family, of raising kids, and so forth.

Mark and Rachel, I say you are brave most especially because Christian marriage takes a lot of courage to undertake. Today, you are committing your whole life to each other as long as you both live. I think, I said to you a hundred times already that marriage is a lifetime commitment. I am not trying to scare you, but this is what God wants your marriage (all marriage) to be. Marriage is valid not only for a week or two; neither a year nor ten years; but marriage is permanent, it lasts forever! I’m saying this because Jesus himself tells us in the Gospel today the sacredness of marriage -- “what God has united, man must not divide.”

We heard from the first reading from the book of Genesis, Allen read for us the beautiful story of the creation of our first parents: God took a bone from man’s side, close to his heart to show the tender love man and woman can share. So in marriage… a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, and they become one body. Later on as we continue on this wedding service God will bless Mark and Rachel no longer as two “one body.”

In Tagalog, “Hindi na kayo dalawa kundi magiging-iisa na.” Sometimes we call “spouse” kabiyak in Tagalog or “my other half” in English. So, you are now going to face the world and raise a family as one in love, hope and dream. Inasmuch as you both will share the joy of this wonderful vocation of marriage, you will also equally share the burdens and trials of married life.

Your friend, Leonor read some elements of Christian marriage from the letter of St. Peter. Leonor read for us some advices which would help in building up a happy marriage. I will pick only one of those advices: “Never pay back one wrong with another one; instead pay back with a blessing.” In Tagalog huwag mong gantihan ng masama ang pagkakamali sa halip ay gantihan ninyo ito ng kabutihan. You have to master the art of patience with one another. You return only what will be good for the other. When you make a mistake, talk it out and ask for forgiveness.

Mark, Rachel is a beautiful young woman but she is not perfect as no one is perfect. She may not be the best navigator in the world but she will do her best for you. Rachel, your groom may give you the most beautiful smile in the world, but like you, he is also not perfect. Mark may not be the best driver in the world but he will do his best to drive you safe back home.

You may be wondering why I said Rachel and Mark are not the best navigator and driver in the world? Let me tell you…

Last year, when Mark and Rachel told me that they wanted me to officiate their wedding, I asked them to come and see me at the parish for an interview. I was then staying at the parish in Meadows Heights; it’s around ten-minute drive from the airport. So we arranged the date November 25, 4 pm (I was actually excited to see them). So the said date came, which was Friday, I waited and waited, and they finally arrived around 6:30pm! They came late not because they Filipinos but they drove all their way Geelong!

The moral lesson is: they didn’t give up until they reached their destination.

So this is my personal advice to you, Mark and Rachel, please do not give up when the difficulties of marriage begin to test you. Remember that you are not alone, regardless of whatever challenges arise Jesus will be there with you. In fact, Jesus is here with you today blessing your marriage. Pray a lot and pray together. Ask him now to seal and strengthen your love and to make it grow, now and for all eternity. I invite everyone here to pray for Mark and Rachel. And let us always be reminded of the words of Jesus, What God joins together let none of us put asunder -- ever. Amen!


Salamat pu keko ngan.

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