Saturday, June 21, 2008

Do not worry

Saturday of the 11th Week A
Mt 6:1– 6, 16–18
June 21, 2008

Do not worry

In today’s Gospel our Lord wants us to remember and keep in mind that God created us to be happy and enjoy this life. If there is an enemy in our lives to pleasure and enjoyment, it would have to be worry. It is amazing how much we worry in this life, even when we know that it accomplishes nothing. We still keep on worrying.

I would like to read a little poem that I guess summarizes the way most of us go through life. But it describes how futile it is to worry. It says:

Worry never climbed a hill,
Worry never paid a bill,
Worry never dried a tear,
Worry never calmed a fear.

Worry never fixed a heel,
Worry never cooked a meal,
Worry never composed a song to sing,
Actually, worry never did a worthwhile thing.

Another word of being worry is “being anxious”. Anxiousness weakness our confidence that we have God who is provident cares so much about us. We have a God – who’s all-powerful, infinitely wise, and full of mercy.

St. Paul wrote to the people of Phillipi from his jail cell not to worry but Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. Present your needs to God in every form of prayer and in petitions full of gratitude. (Phil 4:6).

In the two thousand years since Christ walked the earth, the Church has continued to echo this sentiment. Over and over again we hear the words Jesus in the four Gospels “Be not afraid.”

Likewise, every time we go to Mass, we hear these words. "Deliver us, Lord, from every evil and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy, keep us free from sin, and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ." This is an ancient prayer of the Church that reminds us that the Lord desires to "Protect us from all anxiety."

God wants us to enjoy the gift of life he gave us. Let us not worry rather let’s be grateful for every graces we receive from God in every single moment and minute of our life. We are in God's hands. God loves us and cares for us and knows what we need.


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