Friday, September 22, 2006

Lorenzo & Matthew

Novena Mass for San Lorenzo Ruiz
St. Brigid’s Church, North Fitzroy
September 21, 2006
Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Mt 9:9-13

It was said that yesterday there were around 300 million people around the world who watched the memorial service of Steve Irwin. Although I was not able to watch this event on tv I saw in the internet when Steve’s daughter, Bindi Sue, confidently delivered her touching speech about her dad. Do you know that Bindi Sue is named after Steve’s favourite pet snake “Bindi” and pet dog “Sue.” Galing!

Pero di pa rin papahuli ang Pinoy pag dating sa pangalan. Filipinos are also creative in naming their children.

Actually today is the birthday of my sister Marsha. My sister is born in 1975 on the 3rd anniversary of the declaration of Marshal Law by the late President Marcos. And I was named after “John Puruntong” from the comedy sitcom “John n Marsha.” Funny enough I watched last night its updated version “John n Shirley” on TFC.

The calling of Matthew
I’m sure there are many interesting stories behind the names of people we know. In the Gospel reading today we heard a story of a certain man named Matthew. I didn’t have time to look up today what Matthew’s name stands for however the scripture and tradition tell us some background about this man.

Matthew was a sinful man. Isa po siyang tax-collector. People at the time of Jesus regarded tax collectors as notorious corrupt individuals. The Pharisees branded them as the worst of sinners along with thieves and prostitutes. In fact even the beggars refused to receive alms from tax collectors.

Matthew was regarded as a public sinner. He had no friends. He was isolated from the society at his time. When Jesus saw him sitting at his office doing his taxation work we can easily imagine that Jesus must looked at him with him interior pity. Jesus undoubtedly saw in Matthew his deep thirst for compassion, for friendship, and most of all his for God.

When he heard the simple command of Jesus “follow me,” Matthew made no delay, but “got up and followed him.” Hindi na siya nagpatumpik-tumpik. Wala siyang ‘mamaya-na’ habit. At this point in his life Matthew would never be the same person again.
Matthew through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit allowed Jesus to heal, restore and transform his new life. Jesus' command, “follow me” turned Matthew's life upside down.

Matthew who once owned considerable wealth, stood up, and followed Jesus immediately. He would be aware that Jesus had no earthly wealth, but realised that Jesus is the only One who can give him everlasting treasures in heaven.

In fact the meaning of discipleship is to turn one’s life upside down for Jesus. The words of Jesus “Follow me” is a gentle command to imitate Jesus not only in words but more importantly in actions. To imitate Jesus is to radically change our lives – since discipleship as I mentioned is “to turn one’s life upside down for Jesus.”

Our very own Saint San Lorenzo Ruiz, literally “turned his life upside down” for Jesus. Binitin po siyang patiwarik. He was hung from the gallows by his feet, his body falling into a pit. Refusing to denounce his Christian faith, he told his executioner that he was ready to die for God and give himself for many thousands of lives if he had them.

I think the challenge for us all here this evening to have a sense of urgency and readiness to “turn our lives upside down” in following the call of Jesus. Like Matthew we are called to “get up immediately” to do what God wants to do.

Jesus wants us to be like him for one another, in our society, in our workplace and in our own family not tomorrow, but now. The first reading directs us how can we do this, it says “Bare with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience.”

In this Novena Mass, let us remember that God is calling us by our own name to follow him. Let us pray that the Lord may help us to put the teachings of the Gospel into practice and courageously give testimony of our faith in the midst of the contemporary society to which we belong, through the intercession of St. Mathew, and of San Lorenzo Ruiz, who consecrated the whole of their lives to the cause of Christian faith. Amen.

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