Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lord Have Mercy

I find these prayer intercessions meaningful especially this season of Lent. Response to each intercession is "Lord Have Mercy."

For all who mourn and weep this day/night.
For those suffering the anguish of a broken heart.
For those awaiting execution or certain death.
For all who are in an agony of indecision.
For those in constant or bitter pain.
For an understanding of the role of suffering in our own lives.
For a more intense commitment to relieving the sufferings of others.
For an authentic spirit of obedience and humility.
For a sincere love for Jesus Christ our brother and saviour.

Rejoicing in the company of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and all the saints, let us commend ourselves, one another and our whole lives to You, O Lord.

c Archbishop's Office of Evangelisation Archdioces of Melbourne 2006

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