Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let Go, Let God...

Funeral Mass for Kevin Salem
January 14, 2009
Gospel: John 14:1-6

Let Go, Let God...

We celebrate and give thanks for the life of Kevin Salem, for his very special role in our lives, and for the gift God has given to us in him - as the only son to Clem and Cora, a brother to Kathy and Kathleen, and a “smiling-face friend” to all his cousins and family friends.

I only met the Salem family last week at the Royal Children Hospital when I was requested to administer the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick and say the Prayers of Commendation for the Dying for Kevin. Before I anointed Kevin with Holy Oil, I read a scripture reading from the Gospel of John which recounts the final moments of Jesus on the Cross. It was the scene when Jesus uttered his last words before he died, “Into thy hands Father I commend my spirit...”

I can only pray at that moment inside the ICU that these words of Jesus would give some comfort and strength to Kevin’s family as they painfully watched his little body succumbs to death. A few moments later, like Jesus, Kevin finally commended his spirit to God his Creator.

The second time I met Kevin’s family was last Tuesday morning at their home. They showed me Kevin’s room, his wheel chair and his childhood and recent photos, the ones displayed at the foyer of the church. It was a short visit but I got to know more not only about Kevin but also his parents and sisters who provided him the best security and comfort the world could offer him. Clem and Cora, Kathy and Kathleen, were the important people who surrounded Kevin with such enormous love, support and friendship.

Kevin was a gift to his family, as his family was a gift to him. In his lifetime he was a gift to his family in so many ways. They have been lifted up and cheered by his smile. Through Kevin’s fragile condition, the Salem family proved their patience and endurance to make sacrifices for each other no matter what the cost. They never saw Kevin’s disabilities a burden, rather it was for them wonderful opportunity to create their home a haven of friendship, support and unconditional love.

Tito Clem and Tita Cora I can only imagine your enormous pain of letting go Kevin. A child is supposed to outlive his parents, but if he is called home before them, then parents must let go for his eternal home. Letting go is very hard. We never want to let go those who are dear to us. But love is proved in letting go.

We don’t let go as if it’s the end of Kevin’s story. We don’t let go as if death has the final say in fragile life. As Christians, we let go with hope, we let go with sure confidence that one day we shall be reunited with him again. We let go and we let God. We let go and let God, knowing that God who is the author of life, now takes care of Kevin, where there is no room for any pain, sickness and death, rather eternal joy and happiness.

Kevin’s Dependence
Kevin was a dependent person from the day of his birth, he was dependent every single day of his life – he was dependent on something, he was dependent on the doctors and medications, he was dependent on his family to get him out of bed, to give him food, to get him dressed and washed. He was dependent on people to put him to bed at night.

Because Kevin was a dependent person, he was blest. Because Kevin was a dependent person, he was closer to God. As Jesus said lovingly on children, because of their simplicity and dependence, the Kingdom of God belongs to them.

The Gospel reading today gives one of the most comforting words of Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me…there are many rooms in my Father’s house.” These words bring us comfort knowing that Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, will open wide the gates of heaven for Kevin who depended solely upon him.

If God surrounded Kevin with so much love, through the love and care of his devoted parents and two sisters, during his brief earthly life, we can be sure that God will take good care of him, now that he has gone home to Him.

Thanking Kevin
We are thankful to Kevin for what he taught us and gave us. Blest are we, when we recognise our dependence on God. Blest are we when we accept the limitations we have, and draw our strength from the one who created us and loves us.

As we pray for Kevin today in this Mass, we also pray for ourselves who are still making our journey on earth. Remembering the words of Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me” we pray that like Kevin, we also may have a child-like heart, humbly recognising our dependence on one another. We pray that like Kevin, we too, may increase our trust in God and find security in His Divine providence.

We also pray that our Lord Jesus and his Blessed Mother Mary will enfold Clem and Cora, Kath and Kathleen in their loving arms, and assure them all will be well with Kevin, and that all will be well with them.

Kevin finally rests in God’s secure peace now.

We let him go now but our eternal love goes with him.

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