Sunday, December 06, 2009

Humanda sa Pagdating (Prepare for the Coming)

Second Sunday of Advent C
December 5-6, 2009

Prepare the Way of the Lord

Joke 1
A man who thought he was John the Baptist was disturbing the neighbourhood. So for public safety, he was forcefully taken to the psychiatric ward of a hospital.

He was put in a room with another crazy patient. He immediately began his routine, “I am John the Baptist! The Lord has sent me as the forerunner of Christ the Messiah!”

The other guy looked at him and declared, “I am the Lord your God. I did not send you!”

Joke 2 (2nd Try)
What do Winnie the Pooh and John the Baptist have in common?
Answer: They both have the same middle name.(THE)

In today’s Liturgy of the Word, the figure that stands out, without any doubt, is John the Baptist, and this message of his, “Prepare the Way of the Lord.” Today this voice of John the Baptist echoes not only in all Masses here at Queen of Peace, but it is proclaimed in all churches all over the world. Because we are now in the period of these weeks of Advent, the time in which we are preparing to celebrate the coming of our Redeemer.

In this Second Sunday of Advent, we ponder John’s words, “Prepare the Way of the Lord.” What does it mean to “Prepare the way of the Lord?” And what kind of preparation we need to do during this Advent season?
Advent is a time of preparation for the past, future and present coming of Jesus.

Past Coming
First we prepare for the ‘past coming’ of Jesus, when the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to the Redeemer in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago. We prepare to celebrate the ‘past coming’ of Jesus, that is His birthday, when God became flesh, entering the history of humanity. Notice the first part of the Gospel, it gives us some names of political leaders during time of Jesus such as Tiberius Caesar and Pontius Pilate. They were proofs that in a particular era of human history, God, through Jesus, became human like us except sin. We prepare for the ‘past coming’ of Jesus, his birthday on Christmas day. Jesus is what Christmas is all about (period).

I saw a super market TV commercial the other day; it shows a happy family eating together around a big table. It ends with this message: “Christmas is about family, giving and fresh food; that is what Christmas is all about.” I said to myself? What happen to Jesus? How would you feel when your family excluded you on your birthday celebration?

Celebrating Christmas without Jesus is like going to a Christening without a baby.

Future Coming
Secondly advent is time of preparation for the future coming of Jesus on the last day. We always need to be prepared on the Second Coming of Lord. The clamour of John the Baptist “Prepare the way of the Lord” is a call for repentance. Repentance means turning our heart and mind from sin, indifference and skepticism, to trust and obedience to God's word.
Advent is an opportune time to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receive the unconditional love and forgiveness of God. Advent time is the time we reconcile to one another – to restore broken relationship. It’s about time ring up someone and say “sorry”.

Only through our humble repentance and conversion of our heart and mind will make us ready to stand in confidence before the Son of Man, ‘the future coming of Jesus’ either on our death or on the Last Day.

Present Coming
Thirdly, advent is time of preparation for the ‘present coming of Jesus’, when Jesus enters into our hearts today, not tomorrow or yesterday, not later, but here and now, at this point of time.

Last Thursday evening, Maria Forde who is a singer/songwriter conducted an Advent reflection using her music. She said, “advent is a time to be in touch with ourselves.” It’s a time to reflect what really matters in your life or what is it that’s worthwhile for you and your family? She said, for some Christmas will pass be just like another day with no meaning. For some Christmas time only brings financial burden and pressure of buying thing we cannot afford. For some Christmas time is the loneliest part of the year due to deaths or separation in the family

Jesus is coming to our life wherever we are in the present moment whether we in good disposition or not. Part of preparation this Advent is to welcome Jesus in our present moment, that is now. Whatever our condition is in our relation to God, John the Baptist speaks to you and me, "Prepare the way of the Lord make his paths straight” so in the end “we shall see the salvation of God.”


We pray to you Lord,
to open our mind and heart to see your grace
It is just our sins that prevent us from seeing you.
May we return to your merciful embrace
and accept your loving invitation.

You wanted us to be reunited with You
So help us Lord to prepare your way inside ourself
and made the paths straight
so that we would be there to welcome you.

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