Sunday, April 05, 2009

Take Control of Our Life Lord

Palm Sunday 2009
April 5, 2009
Mass Homily

Today, Palm Sunday, we come together to begin a solemn celebration of Holy Week in union with millions of Christians throughout the world as we commemorate the Entrance of our Lord into his own city, Jerusalem, to finally complete his work as our Messiah: to suffer, to die, and to rise again.

We remember the adoring crowds raising palms and shouting “Hossana” as Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem.

We remember before the week is out, the stirring welcome wears off; cheers turn to jeers; the sheltering palms into scourging at the pillar and the hosannas into a heart-piercing “Crucify him!”

A Close encounter
The Mass today is unique compared to all Masses, we have a long narration of the Passion Narrative from St. Mark Gospel.

The Gospel reading is intended not merely to narrate what happened 2,000 years ago but it is being proclaimed in Churches all over the world today for us to remember the good news of salvation in our own present time and the good of salvation in our present situation.

What is the good news of our salvation? It’s no other than God loves us! God loves us more than our imagination.

The Holy week which we begin today is the great time for remembering. We remember how much He loved us. We remember especially on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, and Easter Sunday that we were saved with much pain, and at a great price.

Yes, more than anything else, we remember we are loved so much.

St. Paul
In the Second Reading, St Paul spells it out very clearly our Lord’s utmost love for us:

….though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God
something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave…he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

St Paul is also invites us to bend our knee before Him…to glorify the name of Jesus…to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord… What does he mean? Perhaps it’s another way of telling us to always remember, never forget, how Jesus he loves us so much…

An Altar Server asked me this morning, “Father, why the statues were all covered today?” I said to her, “It’s because Holy Week is a time when we focus to Jesus alone!” To make sure I said the right answer I asked Fr Frank, for the first time I was right! :)

Like fasting we try to discipline our mind and hearts for Jesus alone. Without Jesus everything will be out of control.

There will times in our life when we seem to be out of control!

• My mother’s 60th birthday – many invited guests didn't send RSVPs. Those who were invited and attended the party carried along with them some friends who were not invited!
We went to an Boracay island – 4 kilometers of white sand beach and crystal clear waters. Our joys were out of control! It was great experience!
• My timetable in the Philippines was out of my control, I was invited to give speeches and hand in awards at graduation ceremonies, bless houses...
• Visited the mother of my closest friend who is suffering leukemia.
• Anointed some people who were seriously sick without medication because of poverty...
• Highschool reunion – we started at 6pm we finished at past midnite. We shared our personal stories sad and joysful.. For some broken marriages and relationship were beyond their control.

When it seems what’s happening around us to be out of control, maybe it’s time to give Jesus a chance to control us!

This Holy Week we let Jesus control of us -- our mind, our hearts, our whole being. We remember that whether we are healthy, rich, happy or not, whether we ended up in broken relationships He left us a mission to accomplish.

Our mission is to remind everyone that there is a God, a God who loves us, and that there is hope.

Let us always remember that Jesus knows our own suffering, the burdens we bear, our depression, conflict in our family, health problem and all other conflict we carry within us.

Finally, during this Holy Week we remember that it is not enough to remember.

Our remembering should lead us to transformation, our remembering should lead us to become better persons, to be good Catholics, holy members of the body of Christ.

In other words, we remember and renew our love for God and for us His people.

Remembering is going back from past in order that we can go forward once more, with great love and devotion!

With all this in mind and heart we are ready for Holy Week.

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