Friday, April 25, 2008

Do not be afraid

5th Sunday of Easter
Do not be afraid

Jesus Is the Way
"Where are you going in life, or what are you living for?" is the most important question to ask ourselves, one another, the Church, our people. Even, we, Christians at times feel lost. Yet we shouldn't, for we have Jesus who shows us the way, who is our way, to God, to ourselves, to people. Jesus is not only our way but he is our companion on the road.

Modern Martyrs
I received an email today about the persecution of Christians around the world. In our modern world it’s hard to imagine how our many fellow Christians suffer a lot, beaten and tortured simply for their faith in Jesus Christ.

In Sudan, a Christian boy, Damare, has his knees and feet nailed to a board and he is left to die just for attending a church service. When rescued he says he forgives the man who did this because Jesus was also nailed and forgave him.

In Vietnam, a Christian pastor is sentenced to two years in prison. When he is offered an early release, he declines stating that he has a group of new Believers in the prison – they thirst for the Word of God.

A Colombian missionary is kidnapped and told she only has two hours to live. She tells her captors that if she only has two hours to live, she wants to spend it telling them about Jesus.

The Way to God, to People, to Ourselves
Although life had been uneasy for them, they clearly know where they are going. They know their destination; they know the beautiful end of their journey; because of their faith.

We learn from their stories of faith practical help and encouragement to welcome Jesus in our hearts.

Isn’t it sad even if we have everything in life, we sometimes feel totally "lost"; when we do not know where we stand in life, when we all looks confusing and senseless.

Today Jesus speaks to us, who says not only "I will show you the way, but: "I AM THE WAY." Go with me, follow me, I will lead you to your goal in life. I will bring you safely to the Father and to your loved ones, yes even to your own true self. Live as I have lived, for I am the way and the truth and the life.

Jesus is the way to God, that he is the truth of God and in him is God’s own life. Let us loving embrace, treasure and live out the beauty of our faith.

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