Friday, September 14, 2007


Your Heart Today

Bingo moments

Where there is fear I can allay, where there is pain I can heal, where there are wounds I can bind, and hunger I can fill.

Moments with retired priests

Lord, grant me courage, Lord, grant me strength, grant me compassion that I may be Your heart today.

Picture perfect moment

Where there is hate I can confront, where there are yokes I can release, where there are captives I can free, and anger I can appease.

Two sisters' moment

Lord, grant me courage, Lord, grant me strength, grant me compassion that I may be Your heart today.
Playful moment

When comes the day I dread to see our broken world, compel me from my cell grown cold that Your people I may behold.

Innocence moment

Where there is fear I can allay, where there is pain I can heal, where there are wounds I can bind, and hunger I can fill.
Kokoblack moment

Lord, grant me courage, Lord, grant me strength,

Sharing "The Simpsons moment"

Grant me compassion that I may be Your heart today.
After mass moment

And when I’ve done all that I could, yet there are hearts I cannot move, Lord, give me hope… that I may be Your heart today.

In every moment say cheese!

I will live this day as if it is my last.
This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity...
I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time.
When I waste one I destroy the other.
If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life.
Each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return...
- Og Mandino

* "Your Heart Today" words by Manoling Francisco SJ from the album and scorebook: The Best of Bukas Palad (vol2). Photos: bingo bozos of Sunbury, Majela priests' retirement house, Rocelyn Reyes, Patricia & Kaka, Odra & Kaka, Karol & someone's baby, Kokoblack Camberwell, Litz & the Simpsons, altar servers of St Andrew and barrel cheese.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Proud to be humble

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time C
September 2-3, 2007
Reading I: Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29

What is humility? According to my "humble" dictionary, “humility is a condition or attitude of mind.” It’s a very humble definition because it didn’t say much about humility. :) We can also define what humility by saying what it is not. The opposites of humility are pride, arrogance, assertiveness, self-importance, egoism. We often say a person is humble when he or she is not arrogant, not boastful, or when one doesn't think that he or she is better or more important than others.

Once there was an arrogant lawyer who asked a humble old Italian farmer, “Why don’t you hold up your head in the world as I do? Look I bow by head neither before God nor to anyone, even to Prime Minister.” “Sir” replied the old farmer: “see that field of grain? Only those heads that are empty stand upright. Those that are well-filled are the ones that bow low.” The English word humility is actually derived from the Latin term “humilis,” which means low, humble, from earth. So a humble person is has an attitude of lowliness, one who does not hold up his or her head, nose or place above other people. Sometimes even animals can tell us what it means to be humble. I read somewhere saying that when two goats meet each other in a narrow path above a stream of water, a situation where they cannot turn back, and they cannot pass each other, for there is not an inch of spare room. You know what they do? Instinctively, they know that if they butt each other both will fall into the water below and be drowned. Nature has taught one goat to lie down so that other can pass over its; as a result, each goat arrives at its destination safe and ground.

If you have goats at home try it. Let me know if it works. :)

Jesus favourite topic One of the most favorite topics of Jesus is humility. Remember we heard Jesus' words from the Gospel last Sunday calling to “strive to enter through the narrow gate.” He says the gate of heaven is narrow and it’s difficult to get in. It is narrow and small that if we want to enter we have to be small or bow down our heads. This means we have to be humble and to lower down our pride. Last Sunday's Gospel ends with this message, “the last will be first and first will be last.”

Little children are number one candidates to enter heaven not because they are cute but because they are humble. How blessed are they because they will find it easy to pass the narrow and small gate of heaven! In today's Gospel Jesus teaches us how to be humble using a parable. He says, “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not recline at table in the place of honor…take the lowest place.” The reason Jesus was invited to the dinner party was that he was already well known as a sort of celebrity, noted for curing the sick and performing miracles. But Jesus was not interested about his fame. However, he used the occasion to teach a lesson about the Kingdom, presenting humility as the essential condition for God’s invitation to His heavenly banquet.

He showed that humility must be expressed in the recognition of one’s lowliness and one's need of salvation. Jesus was talking to the Pharisees who were known as notorious, proud and elite religious leaders of his time. Jesus would like to teach these Jewish religious teachers about genuine humility and the dangers of pride.

Well, this parable is not only to teach the Pharisees the importance of humility, however this parable is Jesus’ personal invitation for all of us. An invitation calling you and I to strive hard to embrace the virtue of humility. The virtue of humility is always grounded in a psychological awareness that everything I have is a gift from God -- therefore, I have no reason to boast. To admit our need and dependence on God is being humble. To see good things we have in life as gifts from God is being humble. We must not use our God-given gifts and talents to elevate ourself above others. Humility means the proper understanding of our own worth. It requires us not to overestimate our worth, but also not underestimate it. To be humble is to realize that we are loved by God because we are His children.

The mere fact that we are here present in this church is a very good sign that we are humble and that we need God to work in our life.

The quality of humility that Jesus is asking to have has a sociological implication. It means that Jesus is inviting us to associate with the so-called “lower classes" of society -- even the outcasts. Jesus invites us to change our social patterns in such a way that we connect with the homeless, the handicapped, the elderly, and the impoverished -- the "street people" of the world.

Let us pray that we strive to be humble each day. Jesus is our model of humility. St Paul describes in his letter to the Philippians (2:7-8) God’s humility through Jesus’ coming to this earth: “Jesus emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”

"Lord Jesus, you became a servant for my sake to set me free from the tyranny of selfishness, pride, fear, and conceit. Help me to be humble as you are humble and to love freely and graciously all whom you call me to serve."

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Keeping God's Wisdom

Wisdom is the principal thing;
therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honor,
when thou dost embrace her.
She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace:
a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.

Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings;
and the years of thy life shall be many.
I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.

When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened;
and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.
Take fast hold of instruction;
let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.
Proverbs 4:7-13

*The Scripture potrays wisdom in a feminine gender. She brings us the ability to know the difference between things that are temporary and essential. Praying for wisdom makes us live meaningfully and wiser in the eyes of God. Our today's model of wisdom is my friend Pinky Marie because of her feminine beauty, and also today is her birthday. Photos used without her permission. :)