Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Congratulations Graduates!

Here are some words of wisdom from a young writer for the graduates of batch 2006 . Just to add little bit of wisdom, I think real education is not just an education of the mind but also an education of the heart.

Congratulations to the graduates of Immaculate Conception Major Seminary, St. Dominic Academy and Pulilan Central School!

The school you graduated from does not determine the quality of your future. There are still small-minded companies that only accept applicants from the supposed top universities but don’t let that stop you. Just because you came from one of the more popular schools doesn’t mean you can rest easy. And it doesn’t matter either if you came from a school that no one else has heard about. It is you, and not your diploma, that will make your future.

Make good decisions. Remember, the decisions you make after college (or highschool) have real-life consequences. Making a mistake no longer means just being sent to the dean’s office or failing a test. This is the real world we’re talking about.

Stay in touch with your friends. There is something important about not forgetting the people who knew you when you still had braces, when you were obsessing over that hot senior, when you were scared to death about getting your class cards. They will keep you young. They will keep you grounded. Don’t stop learning.

Say hello to the real world. Now your real education begins.

- Pam Pastor

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lord Have Mercy

I find these prayer intercessions meaningful especially this season of Lent. Response to each intercession is "Lord Have Mercy."

For all who mourn and weep this day/night.
For those suffering the anguish of a broken heart.
For those awaiting execution or certain death.
For all who are in an agony of indecision.
For those in constant or bitter pain.
For an understanding of the role of suffering in our own lives.
For a more intense commitment to relieving the sufferings of others.
For an authentic spirit of obedience and humility.
For a sincere love for Jesus Christ our brother and saviour.

Rejoicing in the company of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and all the saints, let us commend ourselves, one another and our whole lives to You, O Lord.

c Archbishop's Office of Evangelisation Archdioces of Melbourne 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Nakakainggit sila

Nasan na kaya ako kung natanggap ako sa PMA nuong 1999?

photos taken from,,